Atharv Tembhurnikar
3rd year student at VIIT, Pune studying Artificial intelligence and Data Science
My Recent Work
Kickoff Football Organizer
Dec 2023 - Feb 2024: Java, JDBC, Swing application tailored for organising football-related data, including player profiles, team information, and coach details. A robust login system utilizing hashing techniques for security measures, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of user credentials
Farzi (Counterfeit Banknote Detection)
Oct 2023 - Dec 2023: Detects Counterfeit Indian Currency using Image Processing Techniques. The aim of this project is to test the authenticity of Indian currency notes by preparing a system which takes the image of currency bill as input and gives the final result by applying various image processing and computer vision techniques and algorithms.
Snake Master
Sept 2023 - Nov 2023: Automated classic arcade Snake Game using reinforcement learning to achieve greater best scores. Human playable Snake game built using pygame. Agent connects model and game. Agent achieves good scores after some training games.